My Ems Side of Life

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The EMS side of my life started in 1981 after I had a real bad accident at home. (Besides breaking a Family Tradition of Police & Fire)   My Mom called our local ambulance service when I had punched a window out & severely cut my left hand & wrist. For what seemed to be eternity was really just a matter of minutes, when 2 good friends walked thru the front door. To the best of their abilities, handled the matter with the utmost professionalism. After 2 major operations within a 24 hr period, the outlook of things to come did not look good in my favor. The Surgeon spoke with my Family & I about the possibility of my being fitted for a prosthetic limb, due to the extensive damage that I had created just 24 hrs prior.

After 3 months of severe pain thru Physical & Occupational Therapy, I was ready to give in. One day while in PT, I snapped off on Cindy (My Physical Therapist) telling her of "my wanting to give in & so forth", because I felt I was not gaining any ground in recovering any use of my hand. Cindy told me of the accident she had just 2 yrs before, which had taken 50% of the use of her right hand, and what she had accomplished then. After that, my mind was set to move on & accomplish everything I could.

March 1981, I spoke with Rick ( A close Friend of mine, who was there when my accident happened) about joining our Local Ambulance Service & what I could do. I was slightly little apprehensive first, because of still wearing a 1/2 cast/splint. However, I finally did join as a Entry LvL CPR Attendant. After 15 various calls, I was HOOKED!!!!

July 1981, I received my first EMT Certification from the Commonwealth of Pa. But I still had one very major problem to deal with in my path. I knew it was time for more extensive surgery & therapy. After 3 long years to re-gain more use of my left hand, & trying to run calls to keep my certifications active. I was FINALLY back, stronger & stubborn as more ever to run as many calls as I could.

I currently still hold my Original Pa. EMT Certification along with being  Pa. Certified BTLS, Pa State certified HAZMAT/EMS OPS LvL Tech, New Jersey EMT, & New York EMT.

Through the years, I have breathed life into a close friend of mine (Whom was a member of the same dept I belonged with). Brought 8 Wonderful children into this world, Including my 2 own wonderful kids.

(David & Jacquline)

One day, barely escaping with my own life, while trying to help & save 4 precious young lives, watching in horror, as the Local Fire Depts tried in vain to gain some control against a house fire, while this woman (whom gave birth to these 4 precious lives) standing by, idling laughing the whole time, knowing her children could not be saved. (We come to find 3 hours later, the Mother started the fire!)

Worked a 6 month old Pediatric Cardiac Arrest, as the Drug Addict Parents sat in another room, smoking Crack Cocaine. Not giving a damn about their 6 month old daughter, whom was fighting for her life. I have watched a Drunk Driver walk away from a severe accident (He caused), without a scratch, while a 16 yr old girl was fighting for life.

In the 20 yrs that I have been involved in EMS, there has been a lot from bumps, bruises & minor scrapes to retrieving body parts from an airplane crash. I would come home and have some nightmares, asking myself the very day "WHY DO I CONTINUE TO DO EMS?"

The answer is real simple my friend,

"Because I care for what I do & enjoy helping others"

EMT Prayer


Grant me the wisdom so that I may treat
those of your children that lay at my feet.
Let my hands be gentle, sure and swift
to impart to them your sacred gift.

Let me see only a patient's need
not their color, race or creed.
Help me always to be my best
even when it's on my hours rest.

Grant me the insight to understand why
patients of mine are going to die.
Let me remember that when they do
there is a wonderful life in Heaven with You.

Lord, if in the time of duty I should fall
help my family to hold their heads tall.
For it was You who decided that I should be
one of your chosen few, an EMT.

-Author Unknown-



Dave Lightner FF/EMT.
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