FDNY/NYPD 9-11-01

My Info
How, Why I got involved

Fire Related
Ems Related
Police Related

Father's Day Memorial
Pa Personnel 2000/2001

Pa Personnel 2002
09-11-01 FDNY Tribute
WTC Tribute

Sept. 11 2001

Was supposed to be a normal day for all, including the New York FD & New York PD. However @ 0846hrs everything changed. As people were trying to get figure out what happened, the FDNY, NYPD, NYPA & NYEMS were all at their best! These Men & Women were doing a job they were trained to do. But no type of training could have prepared anyone for what happened on this day.

71 law enforcement officers, 343 New York City firefighters, 1 Jersey City, New Jersey, firefighter and over 3,000 civilians were killed at the World Trade Center. Placing the safety of others before their own, law enforcement officers along with fire and EMS personal rushed to the burning Twin Towers of the World Trade Center to aid their fellow New Yorkers and to lead them to safety. It is estimated that because of their work 25,000 people were saved.

Even though you were taken away from your Families, Friends, Co-Workers and all the lives you have touched. You will always stay within our Hearts, Prayers, & Thoughts for ever.


Dave Lightner FF/EMT.
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Revised: 21 MAR 2002 0125hrs EST -5:00GMT